Wednesday 27 February 2008

syed bukhari

authoritarianism of the absurd

Imam Bukhari on the march to land of the pure

By Kulamarva Balakrishna

Vienna,Thursday,February 28,2008: Now at least the Bukhari Saheb wakes up to reality.He should have taken
the initiative even before he gave his old black cap to Raja Vishvanath Pratap Singh.A lot of blood letting of the innocents in India could have been spared if he had told
his land of the pure brothers serving their British and American Masters to co-operate.Raja V.P.Singh is not yet dead.But he lives with the damage he has done to his

It is note worthy,land of the pure no man´s land masters
insist no outside forces are allowed to operate within the
territory on anti terrorist drive although terrorists from abroad operating from within its soil is welcome.Neither
do they have any objections to heavenly U.S. missiles pounding its mountains,caves and tribal houses day in
and day outs.

I am reminded of the ancient Nemuchi story in the
Vedas.Indra and Nemuchi fought but only to make a
draw.The condition of peace then was Indra should not
offend Nemuchi and kill him during day or night and with any sort of hard or soft weapon,made of steel, stone water whatever.Indra agreed to the condition but devised foam as weapon to suffocate Nemuchi.By sending drones on the pure holy territory of opium and savergery, the new incarnation of Indra American George Bush is keeping the honour of his friends.

As for Hindumukh Muslims of India, holding the banner of Hindutva Nationalism not Hitlerism, they have yesterday rampaged the Delhi University because my
friend the late A.K.Ramanajan had counted some 300
Ramayana versions in his research book on the great
popular epic of the subcontinent, initially written by
sage Valmiki several thousand years ago.According to these Hindumukhs of Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad students political union affiliated to Bharatiya Janata Party only Valmiki Ramayana and Tulsi Ramayana of 16th century are valid Hindu mythological coins where faith and sentiments are due.The rest are blasphemous.They should vanish in thin air.Then how do these langoti mankies, pantie clad langoors account for Verappa Moily Ramayana or Kuvempu Shree Ramayana Darshanam or other versions?There is a limit to the
authoritarianism of the absurd.But there it is.(end)

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